
【開倉】In Memoriam Her Majesty The Queen Presentation Pack


截止訂購及入數日期 : 2024 年 3 月 30 日
到貨時間 : 約為確認訂單後的 7 – 14 天 (此為大約時間)

事頭婆嘅紀念郵票 🙏🏼
一套4張由Royal Mail 推出嘅紀念郵票,記錄低事頭婆在位七十年嘅4個唔同階段📆 入面亦簡述咗佢嘅生平,所以用作留念又或者介紹畀下一代聽都係一個唔錯嘅選擇📙

– A superb souvenir to collect and cherish.
– Four new stamps featuring images of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth taken during her 70-year reign.
– The Presentation Pack reflects on her life, from early childhood to her unwavering dedication to service and commitment to establishing a strong and stable monarchy for the 21st century.
– One Second Class, one First Class, one £1.85 and one £2.55 stamp.
– Second Class Photograph taken by Dorothy Wilding in 1952 to mark The Queen’s accession and coronation.
– First Class Photograph of The Queen in her admiral’s cloak taken by Cecil Beaton in 1968.
– £1.85 Portrait taken in 1984 by Yousuf Karsh.
– £2.55 Photograph taken by Tim Graham in 1996 at Prague Castle.

Stamp format Portrait
Stamp size 35mm x 37mm
Number per sheet 50
Design Kate Stephens
Printer Cartor Security Printers
Print process Lithography
Perforations 14.5 x 14
Phosphor All over, except Second Class – bars as appropriate

1. 到貨時間大約為確認後 7 – 14 天
2. 若訂單缺貨而沒有提供後備選項,我們會安排退款。
3. 若訂單多於一款貨品,缺貨貨品會退款處理,其他貨品繼續訂購。
4. 若閣下收不到報價電郵,請查看垃圾郵件/促銷電郵欄,或帳戶內的 “我的訂單” 。
5. 若閣下選擇 [ 順豐站 / 順豐智能櫃 ],落單時請輸入分店編號/點碼。


